FORMAT()-Returns formatted value of specific format. let's check with datetime format with sample data.
--Native method
select convert(varchar(12),getdate(),112)
--New Method
select format(getdate(),'yyyyMMdd')
select format(getdate(),'yyyy')
select format(getdate(),'MM-dd-yyyy')
select format(getdate(),'MM/dd/yyyy')
With the help of FORMAT Function we can format datetime format without using Convert/Cast.
For more info FORMAT Function.
CONCAT()-Is introduced in Denali 2012, which can be used to concatenate two or more strings. This function requires 2 to 254 arguments.
let's check with following demo example.
--native method
select 'sql' + 'server'+ 'Denali'
--New Method
select concat('sql' ,'server', 'Denali')
Now we create test table to check how concat function works.
create table test12
id int,
name varchar(10),
city varchar(10)
insert into test12
select 1,null,'anand'
--native method
select (name+city) from test12
select (isnull(name,'')+city) from test12
--New Method
select concat(name,city) from test12
For more details go to CONCAT Function
SQL Server 2012 Code name Denali arrived with New Features:
Some of new features are listed below:
1. New Built-in functions(t-sql):
-CHOOSE (Transact-SQL)
-IIF (Transact-SQL)
-CONCAT (Transact-SQL)
-FORMAT (Transact-SQL)
2. Analytical Functions(t-sql):
3. SQL Server Express LocalDB
4. New Query Optimizer hints:
5. Extended OVer clause Enhancements:
6. Xevent Enhancements:
7. Database Tuning Advisor(DTA) Enhancements:
8. New Dynamic Management Views(DMVs) and function:
9. Partition Support Increased:
10.Columnstore Indexes(Data Warehouse query):
I will explain all new functions in my future posts.
Check out this link for more details SQL Server CTP3 2012